Yoga for Health and Wellbeing
Yoga for health and wellbeing classes are held at the Church on Wednesday evenings.
The sessions start at 7.30 pm and last for an hour and a half.
What is Yoga for Health and Wellbeing?
The yoga exercises combine a guided relaxation and a gentle yet effective sequence of breathing, physical and meditation exercises designed to stretch and relax the body and mind, and to help improve health, vitality, peace of mind and harmony within the system.
I am a qualified Pranayama yoga teacher and have been teaching this system for thirty years. You will receive a warm welcome from me and the group, if you would like to join us. We are a friendly, mixed ability group, whose ages and experience are wide ranging.
If you would like to join us, you will receive a warm welcome.
The fees are as follows :
£5 for each individual session - come as you go.
Or : payment can be made for the month ahead according to the number of Wednesdays in the month. The fee is then reduced to £4 per session.
Carol O' Farrell