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Welcome to

Kings Heath National Spiritualist Church

We have been established since the early 1940's. The current church which is affiliated to SNU, has been in operation since 1968 and became a registered charity in 2015.  

​We pride ourselves in operating in the true tradition of Spiritualism and offer a warm welcome to all visitors, new and old. 

Names can be added to our healing book on the Healing Page here

For our upcoming Services please see our Divine Services and Demonstrations page 

Weekly and Monthly Events

Regular Weekly Events

Demonstration of Mediumship  - 7.30 PM

 Divine Service - 6.30 PM

 Yoga for Health and Wellbeing - 7.30 PM* 


  Development Circle with Ivan Walton -
7.30 PM* 

Development Circle with Amanda Honey - 12:00 PM* 

Spiritual development circles are for sitters of all levels

 Spiritual Healing - 2.00PM - 3.00PM (See Healing page for details) Donations/Good Will Offering
Last Monday of each month
 Philosophy Discussion Group - 7.30PM* 

 Open to all to discuss the philosophy of  spiritualism.

Second Tuesday of the month

Grief Cafe - 7.00PM
Open to all - free entry

*Entrance Fees Apply
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If you are a seller and would like to book a table, the cost is £10. 

We have added the church to  If you select the church as your elected charity, anything you purchase from will provide a small donation from Amazon at no cost to you.

Spiritual Healing

All our Healers are Approved by the S.N.U (or are in training).  By working from within, the Healing influences can affect the physical body, easing pain and discomfort.

Divine Services and Demonstrations

The demonstrations and Services which are held weekly are open to all and are supported by recognised speakers and demonstrators from the UK and Internationally.

Spiritual Development

Weekly spiritual development circles are held to further the understanding of spiritualism.  People of all abilities are welcome to attend the open circles.


If you are new to Spiritualism, you may want to try our Lyceum first.

Pranayama Yoga

Yoga combines gentle, yet effective breathing, physical and mental exercises to help achieve health, vitality, peace and harmony.

Special Events

Nights of mediumship, workshops, Quiz nights, dinners and more.


Kings Heath National Spritualist Church
​5 Springfield Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 7DT


© 2024 Kings Heath National Spiritualist Church

Registered Charity No. 1163086

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